+91-98333 66800 drgaggarsameer@gmail.com


Urea Breath test and Hydrogen Breath Test

We also have facilities to perform both Urea and Hydrogen Breath Tests.

Urea Breath Test (UBT) is performed to detect helicobacter pylori infection in the stomach. It is advised for patients who have symptoms of peptic ulcer, acidity, gas, bloating and abdominal pain, but who are unable to undergo or do not want endoscopy.

Patient is required to be fasting for 12 hours. However, he is allowed to drink water. Patient should not be taking antacids or antibiotics for the preceding two weeks of the test to ensure accuracy.

On arrival, patient is asked to drink a urea containing drink and then asked to blow in 15-minute intervals in a specially designed tube, which is connected to a machine that reads the amount of carbon dioxide and ammonia that is exhaled in the breaths. Based on the readings, H pylori infection can be diagnosed immediately and treated. It is a simple, yet accurate and non-invasive way of testing H pylori infection.

There are several types of Hydrogen Breath Tests (HBT) depending on the potential diagnoses. This test is mainly used to diagnose small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), lactose intolerance, slow colonic transit, fructose and sucrose intolerance.

Patient is usually advised to avoid antibiotics for at least 2 weeks and consume a low carbohydrate diet the night before the test and come fasting for at least 12 hours prior to the test. Also, patient should not have had a bowel preparation for at least 4 weeks prior to the test (usually given just before colonoscopy).

On arrival, patient is advised to drink a preparation (either containing lactulose, lactose, fructose or sucrose – depending on suspected diagnosis). The patient then blows at 15-minute machine in a specially designed tube, connected to a machine, that reads amount of hydrogen and methane exhaled in every breath. Based on the readings, diagnosis can be reached at the end of the procedure and patient treated accordingly. It is a simple, non-invasive method to diagnose various sugar intolerances and SIBO.


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