+91-98333 66800 drgaggarsameer@gmail.com


Manometry / 24-Hour PH and Impedance Studies

Manometry is a machine used to measure pressures inside the oesophagus (food pipe) and lower oesophageal sphincter from the upper end as well as in the lower end of the large intestine (ano-rectum).

The High-Resolution Esophageal Manometry (HREM) is used to diagnose and classify certain muscle disorders of the lower oesophageal sphincter such as achalasia cardia, oesophageal dysmotility, oesophageal spasm etc. Patient is asked to fast for 4 hours. A highly sensitive pressure probe, in shape of a thin long solid tube, is inserted through one of the nostrils up to the lower end of the food pipe. Patient is asked to perform several different types of swallowing manoeuvres and the pressures generated are recorded in a colour coded pressure topography plot on the computer. Based on the types of pressures generated and images created, we diagnose various motility disorders and offer treatment for the same.

The High-Resolution Anorectal Manometry (HRAM) is used to measure pressure changes in the rectum and anus, by gently inserting the pressure probe for around 15cm into the rectum, after giving an enema. The patient is advised to perform certain manoeuvres and the pressure generated in the rectum and the anus are recorded in a colour coded pressure topography plot on the computer. Based on the readings, certain disorders such as defecation dyssynergia (Types I to IV), Hirschsprung’s disease can be diagnosed. HRAM also includes balloon expulsion test.

24-Hour PH and Impedance Studies

This test is useful for patients suffering from reflux symptoms. It helps in diagnosing gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD), non-erosive reflux disease (NERD), supra gastric belching. In this test, an ultra thin tube is inserted through the nostril up to the lower end of the food pipe for 24 hours. The tube has sensors attached which measures amount of reflux, type of reflux (mainly gas or fluid) and acidity of the reflux. The acidity is measured in terms of pH values. Once the test is done, the data is analysed and appropriate treatment is initiated.


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