Understanding Food Intolerances: A Guide for Mumbaikars


In a bustling city like Mumbai, where culinary diversity thrives, food plays a central role in the lives of its residents. From street food stalls to upscale restaurants, the options are endless and exciting. However, for some Mumbaikars, the joy of indulging in these delectable dishes can be marred by food intolerances. Understanding food intolerances is crucial for maintaining good health and ensuring that one’s culinary experiences remain enjoyable.

What are Food Intolerances?

Food intolerances are adverse reactions to certain foods that do not involve the immune system. Unlike food allergies, which trigger an immune response and can be life-threatening, intolerances are often less severe and do not involve the immune system. Common symptoms of food intolerances include gastrointestinal discomfort, bloating, gas, diarrhea, and stomach cramps. These symptoms typically appear a few hours after consuming the problematic food.

Lactose Intolerance: A Common Culprit

Lactose intolerance is one of the most prevalent food intolerances globally. Mumbai, known for its love of dairy-based sweets and dishes, is no exception. Lactose intolerance occurs when the body lacks sufficient lactase enzyme to digest lactose, the sugar found in milk and dairy products. This can lead to digestive discomfort after consuming foods like ice cream, paneer, and traditional Indian sweets.

Gluten Sensitivity: Navigating Mumbai’s Street Food Scene

Gluten sensitivity is another notable food intolerance. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. Mumbaikars who are gluten-sensitive need to be cautious while exploring the vibrant street food scene, as many popular dishes like pav bhaji and vada pav are wheat-based. Fortunately, more eateries are now offering gluten-free options to cater to this growing need.

Spices and Food Additives

Mumbai’s cuisine is known for its bold flavors and generous use of spices. However, some individuals might experience intolerance to certain spices or food additives. Monosodium glutamate (MSG) and artificial food coloring are examples of additives that can trigger adverse reactions in sensitive individuals. It’s essential to read food labels carefully and communicate your dietary needs when dining out.

Keeping a Food Journal

For Mumbaikars dealing with potential food intolerances, keeping a food journal can be immensely helpful. Recording your meals, symptoms, and their timings can assist in identifying patterns and pinpointing specific trigger foods. This practice can streamline the process of determining which foods might be causing discomfort.

Consulting a Healthcare Professional

If you suspect you have a food intolerance, it’s advisable to consult a healthcare professional before making any significant dietary changes. They can help confirm your suspicions, offer guidance on managing your diet, and rule out other underlying health conditions that might be causing similar symptoms.

Navigating Mumbai’s Culinary Scene with Food Intolerances

Living with food intolerances doesn’t mean missing out on Mumbai’s culinary delights. With a little extra care and attention, you can savor the city’s offerings without compromising your well-being:

  1. Communication: When dining out, communicate your dietary restrictions to the waitstaff or chefs. Many restaurants are accommodating and can modify dishes to suit your needs.
  2. Exploration: Mumbai is a melting pot of cultures, and this is reflected in its food. Explore cuisines that align with your dietary requirements. Indian cuisines like South Indian, Gujarati, and certain regional dishes can often provide safer options.
  3. Home Cooking: Embrace the joy of cooking at home. This way, you have full control over the ingredients and cooking methods, ensuring you enjoy a delicious and safe meal.


Living in Mumbai and dealing with food intolerances might present its challenges, but with the right approach, you can continue to relish the city’s culinary diversity. By understanding your body, communicating your needs, and making informed choices, you can enjoy the flavors of Mumbai while keeping your health in check. Remember, it’s not about restriction; it’s about making choices that make you feel good, both inside and out.

Consult Dr. Sameer Gaggar – Gastroenterologist in Mumbai

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